To those who do not have the ability to look out the window
and see the progression of events, I'm doing a very slow load to the old Fort
grid that would be the old Fort. Okay Henry Ford. Thank you Jane.
She would rather I drive a Honda. You've got to know how
words work.
I could make pictures today and faxed is an interesting one
on the table top right now.
We have quite a few dynamics that have acquired or I have
experienced on this little trip. Enough said, that's enough for a title for the
purple ink.
The artwork I’m going to give you is a bridge peace that
Spans from yesterday January 19th to this morning and roughly covers
some of the major highlights for the strips days. This trips days, all I really should look and
study the English chapters because there’s something about the professor.
This gets back today, the 20th of January 2015
and I’ve labeled this holy fuck processing day.
You might wanna hold onto your hat! You could say, accurately, I don't know how
this happened but the dragons on it for some reason Bill and Melinda decide to
turn on their unit so it was on. Which makes it all kind of strange. Anyway,
the unbelievable processing ended with me doing a little review and God
explaining transportation vessels and how things are going to be restored
redistributed around the world. And then he gives me a flash of a human being
I've never seen before. It was quite a flash and he says, so you're concerned
about thinking about what they're offering you so I can off you this if you're
willing to do something.
That's the only way I can describe it, I don't know where
this person is but I can say I've never seen her before and I can say God
constructed quite human being in that little creature.
Basically I need to go back to yesterday I need to correct
some things with California which is why I brought the flashlight over to the
coins because I had to flip the things to see what did what and who was where.
All right, it's a family of four, little father using
filmmaking there's a mother who's also in acting the first daughter who has her
own programming about bones and works with some dynamics of Jeffrey, she has a
husband and a child, and she has a sister. So basically it's for people and one
of the people has a spouse or child.
Okay I kind of made an apology last night but you ended up
getting dragged into a huge and massive unconscious and semi conscious
processing episode. This covered a lot of ground and you were only a small
fracture. They need to explain to you where you were and what was happening.
It's just the five of us, euphoria and me and we're in this
strange place that is kind of like square and the ground is white sand and we are
in the center of the square, and I'm telling you that it's an actual minefield
in use be very careful as you exit this place because you could be blown to
bits. Now I'm holding what appears to be a long pipe, I would collect
approximately 5 feet in length with a handle approximately 18 inches from one
end. It's some type of rocket launcher, I can hold the thing according to the
grep or trigger and one in rest on my shoulder it has a handhold in the center
and I can aim the thing and fire stuff out of it.
I'm putting this line in the middle of existing lines, for the most part this is been copied from a Word document, not this, if you look at the overall image you'll see that the spotlight is been put on a specific day and it blinds the day because of the intensity of the light. Then when I turn the light off you can read the page because there's enough illumination to render the page with the particular tool or brush I'm using.Now I can talk about color theory and other aspects of Europe or I could try to find an image of the person God reveals to me at the very end of today's unconscious processing. And when I say today I'm in the morning or the timeframe that gaps between January 19 and January 20.
Oddly enough, this is somewhat like pink lipstick, but clearly different, but she clearly has some of the same properties, which means, if Zoe Dacian L represents this type of symbol in my life what does this person represent, I'm pretty sure she's also symbolic as it appears that that's what I'm drawn to. You would think it would be beautiful things in museums, and from my perspective these individuals are beautiful things, but I'm drawn to them not because of their beauty but because of their symbolism.
From a sexual dynamic, discovering that about yourself, changes the entire state of affairs concerning your sexuality in what should drawn to. Which gets back to misleading radio representations and I think I'm turning to National Public Radio when really it's some type of family radio and they're talking about, how they're not really excited about the president's State of the Union address because he's not religious enough!
You know enough is enough!
you religious people know very little about God at all. And I can advise you to change your ways and you can ignore me until the cows come home or until the media rights to send from the heavens.
That had to do with rocks that float around in the universe but there's no way this things would type it and I don't mind. Which gets back to the facts, I know what the spirits think and how they feel I just don't know their timetable and I don't know the state of events.
Which gets back to knowing Jesus knowing what Jesus said when he walked the earth, he actually said some stuff very close to this explanation point!!!
this gets back to all of the pictures of drawn for you and the stuff ups talking about when I worked at the Museum. There is a place in the spiritual world where there are some large shares and the place is by and large black or barely or poorly lit and... and there are two large things that resemble refrigerators and freezers when you open the doors walked inside of inside of them.
You guys may or may not believe in the archive but the archive did exist and there is a small group of individuals that currently reside on the surface of the earth that actually have almost all of the records I've lectured upon in the past. That is quite a body of work because I cover a lot of miles in my little walk. And when my brain comes to speed and I started moving faster than speed of light, good luck keeping up with that.
I'm not sure why this device is here remember, I'm dreaming
and I'm in an unconscious or semiconscious state.
Now, the spirits bring me back to you people over and over
again and at one time the wind starts blowing in use you can see the top of the
minds. This makes me want to actually physically draw a picture of these mines,
I don't know that much about minds I just tell you their explosive and these
are uniquely shaped, kind of like flying saucers with a bubble in the center of
The bubbles were black. And that represents the top of the
Not if you let the wind blow these things will actually
expose themselves but I can give you a hint. I know this because the spirits
showed me how they were laid out. The minefield has the explosive devices in an
actual grid, and lines and in a grid pattern. So that if you can find the top
of one mind without blowing yourself up and you can find the top of the next
one next to it you will have established one line and then if you find the next
you can figure out the entire grid. I don't know why things
are spacing that way I'll feel like correcting up to some kind of tired because
I do a lot of unconscious thinking. That's why I'm kind of excited about
leaving, my brain appears to be starting to perform at 100% efficiency but I'm
working and walking around in the spiritual world and that means I have to have
quite a bit of a toll tag coins because this place is like a giant toll tag
Which gets back to Google and Plano and certain aspects of
Okay that's one level concerning Zoe Dacia no family I don't
mind the misspelling but her name is Zoe I think there's a Y in there
someplace. Okay, here's what's unbelievable, God explained to me why I'm so
attracted to her. You would think it would be the packaging because that's what
I always thought, it's actually not the packaging at all, it's got to do with
the God thing and how her packaging is shaped and its relation to God and the
things that God enjoys. Now I don't know Zoe's relationship with God and I have
a feeling, well I have a feeling it's none of my business and I don't need to
project anything upon her. I have a feeling she has a slightly different
relationship with God than I have, I'm sure of that! But God explained why I am
so attracted to her and when I understood what he was telling me I had or I
acquired the ability to step away from her. It was a pretty strange event. She
is actually symbolic escalation point exhalation point!!!! Which explains my so-called blindness
concerning what she represented symbolically.
Then I started thinking about the other options and how they
were presented to me, which was in a way I really like and have to do with
things I've never seen before. But you remember these are Hollywood people or
so-called entertainers. I am not an entertainer and I'm deathly not a Hollywood
person. I'm a dyslexic and retarded or semi-retarded Okey who at present is
residing someplace in northern Texas. It's only temporary as you'll soon see.
This gets back to appointments medications and other forms
of spiritual communication. This kind of gets back to Jane Fonda, indirectly,
and I really don't want to deviate, Jane, they're offering me one thing and
then God says if I can hold on I might acquire the ability to have this thing
but the main thing is what occurred between January 17 and January 18, 2015. I
had a life-changing event in a semi conscious state escalation point!!!! Only my brain kept pushing it in and out of
various states of consciousness until it eventually reached a full state of
conscious awareness and I realized it was absolutely true.
This kind of changes everything, plus you have God
explaining why I'm wired this way, in the morning or night between January 19
and 20th. It's hard to put dates on these things because they intersect the
changing of one day to the next.
It's the processing day when I walk around the planet about
19 times if you understand Aretha Franklin.
It was an unbelievable walk around the world at an
unbelievable rate of speed which indicated my brain's capacity to run faster
than the speed of light.
Which is why am so tired this morning, that is not restful
sleep, when you're tracking around the world over and over and trying to
correct all the things that are wrong with the world. Meanwhile Oklahoma and
Texas much United States will listen to a word I'm saying and believe it. Which
gets back to studying the threads on John McCain's shirt just before he ignited
and burst into flames, That's from another event that has long passed but is
fully documented. Alright now we have a giant greens would line which I think I
incorrect with a simple, now it made the symbol but didn't type the word I'm
going to put this thing in and leave the punctuation as it is.
That did part of the trick, the green squiggly line is now
only under the word that's capitalize that shouldn't be.
This gets back to trains planes and automobiles and the post
office. Here's what's wonderful as I say the word post office, the
visualization of a beautiful person wearing pink lipstick appears and I'm
thinking, why don't we see more of that at the post office!
Which takes me to farmers branch farmers branch Texas which
is only, with a used to teach new mail delivery people how to deliver mail. You
think I'm kidding, I'm not, it was a little street called Damascus way.
This gets back to helping the world navigate U-turns and how
the whole neighborhoods changed to a degree. This in turn gets back to people
who used to be in the military who are currently being retained but at the same
time staying at home with her kids. She was a beautiful short blonde woman! And
you got the other beautiful girl who worked with her husband at a restaurant
called Chili's, he was a bartender and she was a waitress and they were nice
couple and she was gorgeous. Now this gets back to a conversation I have with
her when we bump into each other sometime later, they've moved but we recognize
each other and we have a small discussion which ends up being about her old
neighbor. Her husband drove a blue Chevrolet sport utility vehicle, what were
those things called, it'll come to me later. Anyway she was very attractive and
ended up eating on some type of workout thing.
Now once you've established this timeline we assume the
front porch and I can tell you about other beautiful creatures that graced the
lawn. This puts me back into teaching college when I was a college professor
which brings back all kinds of unique and beautiful creatures. But you should
know, because it's true, I was a good boy, and when I married my first wife I
made a commitment although I would divorce her later. It wasn't really an
option if you understand the dynamics of that.
Which gets back to what happened on January 17 and 18th.
My first wife and I had two children therefore we had sex at
least twice because the children are mine. We probably had sex a total of four
times throughout our entire marriage which spanned quite a while.
This is really strange, and of course I'm taking a degree of
measure as I tell the story, it's a complex story, and it means all kinds of
things. What happened on January 17 and 18th was my awareness of my own faults
in the collapse of my marriage and specifically in the collapse of my sexual
satisfaction as it pertains to my first wife.
I've gravitated truth, I married my first wife out of love
and I was very attracted to her but sexually it was one big misfire escalation
point!!! And I'm going do move the play
head here, I used to blame her for this, it was revealed to me on January 8 two
or should I say between the 17th and the 18th that really the problem was not
with herbs with me. And that's the truth and it kind of changed my life.
You see I'm programmed a certain way, I have a certain type
of wiring, and when I comply to my wiring I start working very well and I start
having successful and dynamic relationships with women. This is happened a few
times in my life, not very often but now again, you can ask a few of them if
you can locate any of them. And we both know you can!
This means, there's more to the breakup between Zoe Dacian
Alan I than meets the eye. It's like this only it's like this Zoe is like this
little Miss flower petals, simply put and factually speaking I am kinky
escalation point!!!
It's my wiring and it appears to be approved by the Creator
himself which changes the whole dynamic of the spiritual world and what I know
about it. Which makes me wonder why more people are interested in what I can
tell you about the spiritual world and all of the things that exist in that
place, at least those things that I've witnessed. Now we have a giant sentence
that has green stuff all over it and this just makes you want to stop and post
or do something for breakfast. Normally I would make my own breakfast because
normally, when I crossed the river, I'm in no man's land. And there's nothing
around me for miles and miles and miles. When I'm here, in G town, there are
things I can go to and although financially I'm very limited I still have
enough gas in my tank in enough funds in my wallet to acquire a biscuit.
So I would post this and I'm going to go get a biscuit, and
then I'm going to have to track down the absolute places I need to go before I
leave this area. I said I need to go to the library but if I leave I can't go
to the library because I can't return material in an appropriate amount of
time. Which means I've got a used bookstore which means trying to save France
is going to be much more difficult than I thought and I don't really want to
invest in that type of material but if I'm going to save France and Europe and
the aspects of religion I simply must make the track.
Now, France, when you think I'm joking
I think this really has nothing to do with anything, which
is kind of true and I don't know why this thing spaces and types like it does.
But the fact is, it will help you because I can make fun of things if I do it
in a particular way and this will ease the pressure felt in some areas of your
Having said that now thinking about the eye doctor and the
fact that I like her. Don't get me wrong, she's married and I don't have any
plans to interfere with the aspects of that. Which gets back to me being kinky
and what I have a license to do escalation point!!!!
Can you imagine how much my life changed between January 17
and January 18 in the great life-changing event!!!
My God, he's actually explained to me, I had no idea!!!
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