Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Evaluating my own work

I just watched the media play as you would see it or I imagine you would see it.

Now there are a series of counting episodes and one of them appears to have become invisible.

I'm not sure how that happened and is not like I can just drop a sound file at this given location...

You see my sound file counts correctly but the side noise or static hides some of the county.

And the left handed walk is very hard to follow...

This has to do with my personal notes which, two a small degree

I believe the note says walking backwards...

This gets back to the variation on fingers.  Free to fully understand that you can't see 134 items and counting.

Basically we have a picture from a pharmaceutical product from Sweden and we have a picture of an over the counter medication from Chattanooga..

And then you got this tissue mean nothing...

I'm curious if you're going to do it, tissue mingle Oklahoma....

 you know the binary world has issues with native American language...

 the former capital of the Chickasaw nation, tissue mingle Oklahoma....

 show you a picture of it specifically a kind of map, or did I?

 I think I did, I was supposed to, you see tissue mingle Oklahoma has some power unique to itself. It also drift northbound to the city of my birth and you'll find more material there.

 For the record, I discussed this at length, I'm sure it's somewhere in the archive. Some of it may actually still be up and running estimation point!!!!

 that would be interesting.

 Let's say you want to start a career as an investigator, you've got to study the subject, I would start with what I start with which is the factor of beauty.

 That's a wonderful line because it's both truthful and very deceptive.

 If you walk into a museum you might see a lot of beautiful objects then you got to gauge or survey the various degrees of beauty and you have to navigate to the museum until you find the location talking about.

 This is tricky.

 You see beauty can travel and beauty can be relocated and beauty can be lost especially if you're flying an airplane over a large body of frozen water.

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