it's the way they add up
if you are to walk around some of this artwork you would see that I can buy 2 cups of coffee for one dollar and you'd also witness the waitress pouring me a cup of coffee in a very unique manner.
That's absolutely a true statement and the receipts prove it.
Which gets back to talking money and what does money Sadie you when it talks what does money say to you when it talks..
which gets back to Sadie which gets back to the Beatles which gets back to strange instruments which gets back to hallucinogenic compounds...
I know you only want the fax, if I had the time honey I would correct the color values but I don't so were going to use the color values I was given.
The blue square in the lower right-hand corner was acquired from altered ground
that's what I get for thinking if you know anything about this you realize I image this thing on multiple occasions
this is the only place where you see the coffee cup with two hats
a white hat and black hat although it appears to be one heck one half. You know what I'm wiped out about coffee in this thing trying to take me back to Italy.
This in turn creates a type of side movement which pushes me into Julia Roberts and the dynamics associated with George Clooney and be careful when she offers you a beverage!
there things that you can watch them again there are cultural dynamics
some numbers dance around
others you can count on
others or in the quartet associated with building spiritual things from unique dust
sometimes money to walk and sometimes they can talk and sometimes you can make a pup tent out of it
I could jump in the number of places here and talk about the 1968 presidential campaign and Hubert Humphrey
care we could talk about birds feathers
I thought we could talk about wearing hats either at this location or the next
you could call this the last image but I wouldn't
I just finished the coffee conversation, this led me to Tennessee which led me to an aspect of the current president's wife which led me to the supermarket which in turn led me to a blackbird in feathers.
she won't leave me alone! Now you could blame late-night television for this and you would have good cause if you were to do that.
But sometimes you've got to take responsibility for what you created. Not even tell the president about my tax proposal and he may or may not take my advice but I'll say this Mr. Pres. be careful with blackbirds and you might want to review your Edgar Allen Poe...
that brings us back to the Beatles
which now turns to various chemicals called insecticides
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