Saturday, January 17, 2015


 I have to confess, I keep losing files and their location which is strange and explains maybe something of Dr. Sigmund Freud going on as I approach the so-called cannons.

 Okay, I know where it's at you can look at it surely you can put it here.


 I don't know how your marchers could you know how your marchers are all set for and calibrated to. This gets back to public television and Sesame Street and working with perfume companies. This gets back to mowing the yard in Fort Worth Texas and listening to the Rolling Stones.

 That doesn't have anything to do with R&R. Again it's got everything to do with R&R sometimes I live in a world all to myself and other times I do more than reach I roll with it.

 We call this 011615 Part 2

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