Sunday, January 18, 2015

I rarely look back

 but the spelling thing was interesting.

 It was an actual physical manifestation and proof of my type of dyslexia.

 I got to use the word again written...

 I knew the word proof began with a P and had the letter F in it!   I also believed it had a repeating letter pattern..

 so I repeated the last letter..

 now there are people out there that don't understand dyslexia. I said this my entire life, I can see the first and last letter of almost all words is the stuff in between that I can't weave in and out of..

 it just won't line up

 is not a question of what you believe

 I have to live in this space

 which gets back to why and how I started acquiring technology

 you could call my wheelchair

 but, although I'm handicapped, I like the way this sentence is starting to structure and then I start coming in the middle of the sentence which blows its structure to help, that would be to help, 2 HELL [handy]...

 alright I'm handicapped but I'm a good guy he's handicapped and he's not a good guy were going to walk around the circle eventually but today isn't the day to beat that dead horse.

 But if you know anything about taxes you know there's a lot of dead horses...

 and yes I see the misspelling but that's not really a function of me it's a function of the program and I'm not going to blame the program because I understand the state of affairs.

 This in turn gets back to late night television and what do we really have the watch. They're holding out some leaf for the middle of February and I'm thinking, I'm not afloat without leaf.

 That was to say I'm not going to float with you concerning that timetable and calendar.

 Which gets back to worldwide pants and my ability to change television programming for the betterment of my mission and cause.

 By the way, if one finds my mission and cause please write it down for me and slip it to me the secret handshake, I really do get lost easily when I'm working in the middle of all of these words.

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