Sunday, January 18, 2015

A strange way to teach language

 I just told you I was about to flirt in a very strange way. Essentially I'm still teaching language, here however, I'm going back to my native heritage and Tom and Tom okay it's not bongos.

 Okay I have a mouth and in my mouth am fortunate to have teeth and tongue...

 native American language and Tom...

 I've always had issues with variations of tom-toms...

 yes it's like bongos and perhaps Hawaiian noises...

 all right back to teaching language.

 I just tricked all of you into adapting certain dynamics of Native American speech.

 I know you're all look each other in saying [HOW]!!!

 yes, it's nice to meet you!

 know I should paint things on my hand and start acting like women in commercials and then talk about my ring finger and the sign of my devotion...


 can you buy bongos at a music store?

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