Friday, January 9, 2015

To build a full description would require research and development

 this would require a secure access without interference so that I could properly project the smoke to the mirror.

 the University wouldn't give me that and this place sure as hell will not give me that.

 So you have to use the Scooby Doo cipher to figure out what I'm showing you.

 What I'm showing you has everything to do with shake Rattle and roll as well as a very large Chrysler automobile from years past, if you know the password, is like a boat, maybe it's 20 or maybe it's Kurt Vonnegut which would put it at five.

 Now you have the Scooby Doo cipher

 For reference I have a much lower resolution file of this which is clearly less little forth of this files dynamics. You couldn't read the fine print and I really don't want to read the fine print but I'm the kind of person that plays fair even though God is told me to do otherwise. It's got to do with the way the Satan people play and I don't like using that term because it insults Satan because Satan isn't nearly as evil as most of the human beings that walk this planet. Trust me I personally know these people and have a relationship with them. It's a spiritual kind of dynamic. Which gets back to language which gets back to ice picks which gets back to something I need to tell you about the Scooby Doo code. It's about ice picks. And it's about other stuff as well. It's about family and it's about other stuff as well.

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