Then again he gets back to Vietnam and dynamics with Japan and Japanese artists which gets back to Yoko Ono.
Yes it does tag you because it goes to Switzerland and the flare gun! Yes I know my lyrics and I know my rock 'n roll the problem is young people don't keep up with the track of code.
Which is why we have all of these ghosts walking around, now does a ghost walk no, it looms so what am I supposed to say we have all of these ghosts walking around or should I say which is more accurate I might add and you can put the commas where you want we have all of these ghosts looming around. Sounds like bull shipped to me I said it sounds like bull excrement to me but you'd have to ask the magic boys they seem to be experts on that which gets back to the last thing they broke up.
Now to the magic boys. I don't mind you walking on my ground are stepping into the tap dance sequence but you realize there are truth or consequences if you know anything to do with Drew Carey or golf.
It's a complicated sidestep that point but I'm assuming someone can travel
maybe it's the girl who holds up the cue cards or whatever it is she does at door number three.
I could go on and on.
Now I've lost my place. I've lost my place. We're dealing with Yoko Ono and code and I can see that but I came here for different reasons. But I have firecrackers in the title which means it's a bigger issue which means I need to back up. I also have Switzerland and a flare gun which means it's deep purple. Which means, a type of code, 000MYG!!!
this is the first time for this code to make it public experience or should I say a public exposure according to my knowledge and then again now they can blame my tongue and they might have some level of gravity and again if they walked into the garage, the garage where I The bones of the dead slaves, then they're in an entirely different arena. Remember you brought some heavy-duty earthmoving equipment and I was merely picking the bones out of the dead slaves you disregarded, Mr. and Mrs. state of Texas!
Unfortunately that's a true story although if the Rangers have their way I'll pull a Hemingway which is what the United States government wants because if I pulled the plug on this you have all kinds of things come down out of the rafters.
Something tells me the spirits want me to walk the surface of the earth a little while longer although I would choose not to do so. I'm tired of walking surface of the earth because this planet offers me nothing
on the other hand I offer this plant life and according to David Letterman I'm insane. Which gets back to tools and wants in your kitchen and what do you use when you're dealing with a large block of issues
you guys realize that my visual images and visual components and walk around words actually all tied together to form quite a language indeed.
You guys think you're walking around nothing and then all of a sudden nothing becomes something and all of a sudden what was visible appears and now you can see the ghosts as well.
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