Saturday, January 17, 2015

The golden egg rolls

The golden egg rolls away or if the voice-recognition was working I would say the golden egg escapes
great now it's working.
It's really not a hard crack.
If you know anything about me you know I truly love Canada and I truly love Canadians despite the fact they give me great deals or should I say they give me great many issues concerning supermarket let's try that again.
Anyone who knows me knows I love Canada and Canadians and less I'm going to the supermarket. For some reason Canadians have this weird affliction where they need to cost me a lot of trouble in supermarkets. Especially supermarkets concerning fingers or other appendages.
Yes that's coded and yes it's scripted but I'm doing that for North Korea.
I'm a global world kind of visionary guy.
Many people here don't like that which gets back to why certain pages won't look in my direction. Don't get me wrong by the way by the way whose name will not be written because whatever it is concerning the Dragon won't write it your name won't be written according to the Dragon.
Which is fine, you're adorable and you know you're adorable and I don't mind you knowing that and I don't mind you knowing that's how I feel about you. But now with better talk about your bicycle in regard talk about the power of those things outside of your finger.
That's a strange thing to say but I'm telling you if you're from a part of your that would be called Eastern Canada, I would watch your fingers right now. There's a whole lot of finger shaking going on and if you understand the dynamics of the rain will understand the dynamics of rain. Now I said rain because rain is what malfunctioned but I said rain because I was really talking about water because I was really talking about a boat.
Which gets back to working with neurotic females. Trust me it's an issue and I advise you all to basically walk away from neurotic females. Don't get me wrong, they're great in bed but when you're done in bed there a handful to deal with in life. It's a headache you do not want to experience!
Now I'm typing this in Word and not in the program itself which makes me realize there's other material here and then I realize what the material is and I realize it's a giant if you're dealing with a beanstalk and golden eggs.


Yes I've lost some media and yes there's a golden egg on the loose so if you're in a bowling alley and you see a golden egg rolling around please send it my way, you simply don't understand it.

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