I'm sure that's not a word but what's nice about hands typing in this space is a factor not distracted with green squiggly things.
But I'm about to distract you.
Which gets back to things I like, which gets back to today and national holidays because I really like BB King and if you're a girl with red hair you get extra bonus points.
So help me God, if either of you are living in the state of Tennessee and the pullout of voodoo stick and on the shake the planet. If you're in the state of Tennessee they need to pack up the car and head to Beverly... or some other place not associated with shooting the ground.
Group dynamics
yes I'm proficient at deflecting soft shoes
and yes I am rusty
and yes are a member of the classical path and I have to
keep it on that level
the problem is the library
I only have a fragment of the original source code library
now if I was talking to Okies I wouldn't have a problem
there's actually more material there than I thought
including the magic master keyed to counting
the problem is, the next step, yes it's a wire suspended
above an abyss
is that the way that word spells if so that is one
fascinating word.
John Wayne's on the television now which is in keeping with
classical Elvis Presley thematic sequences.
The only thing o'clock right is an obscure track by the
Allman Brothers.
It's an odd number.
Which means I have to split the file if I'm going to set up
the correct cipher and which side of which half do I set the play had to.
That's when you and I, middle school, you realize that's the
really sophisticated part of sending out code.
I'm not comfortable with that.
Now, yes, I'm dancing with broken boxes and I'm dancing with
soft shoes and I'm fully aware of the dance floor and I'm fully aware of some
of the players trying to lay down the tripwires.
Its okay we've done this dance before. But not with the Allman Brothers, that's a
tree of knots that I believe originates in Georgia that I chose not to climb so
many years ago.
Alright we've got the classical one, and you know that was
oh my box and you know that would be the one I would start with. The problem
has to do with QuickTime seven and the fact that for some reason one of my
boxes has removed the so-called levers that allow me to switch around the magic
and then make it work in a certain time and two step pattern.
This brings back another really important tidbit. As a matter
fact I wasn't never start out with the classical mode I was going to reach for
something a lot more radical.
In fact it's got some few do with soft shoes and if anyone
is watching or listening that remembers the original code, right now I'm
telling women to stop being offers and they can throw all the shoes they want,
I still don't care for her work.
It's not that I don't respect her because considering the
place and time what she did was remarkable. And I respect all remarkable
creatures but today is national holiday so I reach for something that I can
dance to and something that is willing to rotate with me and something that's
not in Nashville to my knowledge.
Plus he's got some classical coding components that are on
the front page.
You guys now know the track I'm talking about even though it
was obscured through static some time ago.
I remember when I acquired this track.
I have started an older and corrupted boxes well but these
things are like their stock on the north pole.
These things are basically by Harry Popsicle sticks stock in
a frozen wasteland. These things are
basically frozen Popsicle sticks stock in a waste land.
Yes, their flavor and color is probably intact but the damn
things are probably so cold you would lose your tongue if you let it touch the
Which gets back to boats and gets back to sailors and the
First Amendment died gets abandon that his body is found in his eyes are still
as blue as they ever were.
You better know where I walked and what I walked around and
who I've talked to. This gets back to talking to my son about what I know about
history. My son's very intelligence owes my daughter because my children come
from some good genetic stock. I'm serious I consider myself to be a genetically
speaking GoldMine of certain dynamics. And my first wife, my UFO love with her
first site never would've been in 1979.
There were other issues and I found myself running to the
islands to find peppers and sticks and stones.
Believe it or not that's a truthful statement, which gets
back to Canada and people in the medical industry.
For the record young lady, although your little older than I
am because that's how your clock counts, the affair had ended, I chose not to
tell anyone about it therefore when the ex-fiancé came to the island the affair
was over. What a mean by that is to say she was oh my fiancé she had merely
purchased a ticket to come to the island.
You were the one, the psychiatric Canadian nurse girl,
you're the one I was counting on and you simply jumped off the ship into shark
infested waters.
What did you think was going to happen, hence San Antonio.
It's in the rock 'n roll code whether or not you choose to believe that or
dismiss it.
So I'm supposed to leave this place and do something for
France of the library or used bookstore and I'm supposed to track certain way.
Here's Jeffrey's traditional style, the fund would read a
book and I'm going to choose a specific author in this author has written a
type of book called a series, you could did Stephen King, because he's not
counting on this one, that I would be looking at another author and another
series of books which means the only one that will clock is one that's out of
It's one thing if I read a book that I haven't researched
and it's a part of the series and I don't know what it something else when I
read a book and like it and realize it's part of the series I want to recapture
the dynamics within the series.
So she cancels and this guy named Mark takes over.
Enough said, you know exactly what author I'm talking about,
the issue is which title, so if I do a backwards walk one of my doing so now
you have the title.
I'm giving you a cipher line and I don't think it correctly
expressed itself the of the letter and voice recognition dynamics. It's a
critical cipher.
You need the title, you have the author, if I walk backwards
what would you say I'm doing and what direction would I be moving in?
Ladies and gentlemen the professor is just giving you the
title and allowed the dynamics of ionic static coding to envelop a sentence.
That is not a joke.
Maybe I should jump into the trees of nuts…
Right now, one will hold off because we are going to have to
travel and when you're going to be a traveling man you better watch out for
airplanes. Which gets back to another guy that I acquired one Christmas holiday
named Ricky Nelson.
Yes John I have discussed this and I've chosen not to go to
the given party.
Maybe I'll drive a truck.
Yes it's ABC and 123 but what am I to do with its back to
John Lennon and something I ran across as I was looking through the map room.
Yes, it's the classical let's count syndrome which means
control is going to mess with me which gets back to birds and bees which gets
back to the group the track the song in my library.
Not that anyone cares, all you people would do is kill it.
Oh yes I can give twice the slap.
Which gets back to being a teacher and working in the
classroom in the hallway and I don't mind you people standing close but how you
dress matters which gets back to that photograph I tried to save. Now I need to
go back to the site and save that image and the person that made the page has
made it very difficult to say those kinds of images. Not that I can't save him,
I've proven that I can because they understand the dynamics of workarounds.
This gets back to the technological world and my retarded
form of dancing with technology. Look I am by no means a technological genius,
I've never claimed to be and I'm not claiming to be one now, I'm just aware guy
they can't read and write and chose to embrace technology so I could build a better
This gets back to sound cards and buses. I'm serious, it was
an old-school sound card that used an old school bus. But it had incredible
programming potential and could literally walk and talk, I mean the card
despite the old school bus could walk and talk.
This gets back to where I would start concerning acquiring
vision correcting eyesight tools and implements.
She can watch because she's cute, but you got a watch how
they drag that line because how you drag that given line will affect the things
you stir up.
Little darling, stirred up, let's go back to the kitchen and
jump on the burners and get this show lit up.
And yes, it still would be a classical code release with set
timing instructions I just have to survey the library.
I am not done it climb a tree of nuts and try to figure out
which side of an odd fellow I need to put the play head on at zero.
That's too much work.
I'm still avoiding soft shoes.
It's an English thing although I think I actually rolled the
ball the Canada but then again the Canadians walk out on you and there you are.
Which gets back to Jamaica because they walk in and so does this thing from
upper New York.
Which gets back to other dynamics and my incredible history
with the lesbians, now that is one interesting story and chapter that I've
never told, I have quite a history with lesbians including one from Cuba.
I'm not lying, and God knows, I'm sure everyone in the
entire world is way to understand every word I'm saying.
It's baseball season and I'm only covering what needs to be
covered. I'm not sure it's exactly baseball season, and it is January, but if
you bounce in the position you realize bouncing with the ball is what's done,
right about now, although it's the close of many other sporting dynamics.
Which gets back to being a wrestler and the fact that
wrestling season covers Thanksgiving and Christmas and I usually keep a tight
figure in the old school days.
Which meant all of that stuff was regrettable.
Which gets back to the Super Bowl and the fact that we had
wrestling practice every single time the Super Bowl was ever aired in my young
Hence, I don't care for professional sports especially
football and if a redheaded man takes his family to a specific football stadium
in Arlington Texas, let's just say North and South Carolina are going to have
some issues.
Which gets back to defecating on a glass coffee table and
things that people really want to know or look at and could he give to the
let's think about those pledges for a second.
John Wayne still on and I still need to roll something
around somewhere only again about driving trucks because I'm kind of a truck
driving man. I'm also dabbling in politics, religion, science, technology,
international studies, the arts, philosophy, and a bunch of other stuff that I
can't remember.
Now, the stuff I can't remember is somewhat lost but I have
good manners and I'm sure I can find the road I just don't know what condition
the road will be in when I find so I need to call the doctor which gets back to
Kenny Rogers and. And a number, which gets back to 501 because that's how the
Allman Brothers track counts or something close to that. Which means how do I
split a tree of nuts.
When you guys figure out the cipher pattern will be able to
I keep forgetting I don't have this thing hooked up to take
tagging tether at the drop of a hat.
I'm going to call on handy, I keep forgetting, I have this
device set up in a caution mode which means in full automatic it will not tig,
tag, or tether.
That's called fractured fairy DIS code or something that
Mickey wants to acquire if you know anything about Walt.
Which gets back to other popsicles and things that they say
are true but I choose to believe them anyway, that's right sometimes I know the
truth is and I choose not to believe the truth because the fictions more
interesting. This in turn gets back to attractive English women and we have to
stop betraying them as potential authors. We need to address this in a very
serious manner which is good take us to the bakery and a girl with a little bit
of ink area…
Sometimes this thing does all kinds of things. I really
should be filming this whole thing because this program changes the font would
say changes the font they can go from bring ordinary to being some weird
blue-collar and some weird slanted style. It is a strange program indeed.
Fantastic, did again, the box is not wired to the network
Jeffrey you got to push the button to get it to Pokémon in many better wait for
all the other stuff to happen.
So what start pushing buttons.
I don't know, you tell me, sometimes my maps ahead of me.
So this is how voids are created, I should've known. I should probably go incorrect all of this but I don't want to news too much to correct. So I'll acquire unneeded space and see if I can bring time into the equation and emergency what matters and what doesn't.
Which gets back to something that is not in the document, I said that and then I had a small hiccup and forgot what it was. SMUD with space and time, it's got some kid of space and time. SNP doing mathematics. It's got something to do with Elvis Presley and mathematics in the space-time continuum. Which gets back to something not found in this document I'm not going to correct this the equation things that matter. Bingo, it's the thing to do with mass and gravity. Bingo bingo Ingo Ingo.
I don't know what Ingo is.
I'm thinking about the spiritual world and what some of the Spears want to do. Sometimes the spiritual world ignores you. As I'm talking about the spiritual world and what some of the spirits want to do. Brittany keep your panties on and just sit there quietly. You should never even been in that bar. And of course there's the other girl who I'm going to leave alone.
That's a true story if you understand anything about political dynamics in the law in Texas and how the law and taxes works when it's working around slow bartenders.
Man oh man does that open a bag of worms.
Things that have mass things that have gravity old equations and my old garage.
Yes you might've found human body parts there.
I acquired them honestly and I was holding these things with great dignity because the state of Texas was just going to shit on them.
Just because you are in just a flyable he that is somebody would justify and then you put synonyms after it. My tongue is not working correctly it's got nothing to do with other forms of spirits to do with the way my brain tongue work.
Sometimes the spirits ignore you because they don't care and sometimes it's just your time to be ignored sometimes the spirits care but it's not something they're allowed to get involved with.
Then there's me. The spiritual world really wants to get involved with me and has a fascination with me and if you go back to the museum documents you'll hear me describing various aspects of what the spiritual world looks like, at least back then. Parts of were much like a desert but the spiritual creatures that live there were small.
The scriptural is a very active and dynamic place. Not that we can count on Stephen King or anybody else to explain it to us. Which gets back to problems with human resources and the fact that some Sam's appear to be attractive but some Sam's need to have their face not in with a spiritual club or bat.
Yes I can hear your bikes and yes I'm supposed to post, all right when we talk about, all right I know some specific things about the spit about the spiritual world and I know what's on some of the agendas.
That's good Oklahoma you're in the, where ignoring you mode, whereas Texas is in the we want to slap the living shit out of you mode.
These are two completely different modes.
Which gets back to me yelling and screaming about dreams and who's running for president and what means what.
Which means that if we like things up you're looking at a guy from Arizona was wearing suits rather by the Secret Service was on fire incinerated in a library and the vice president who had been named yet who was something of secure from somewhere close to the North Pole would've become president.
When you realize this and utilize the spirits told me that United States was actually going to let this man I had no idea why they were all in such an uproar.
All right so let's say for one instant I'm telling you the truth. Now you can look at control in a different way and now you understand my need to go to the bookstore or library acquire certain things that appear to be silly because these things will actually help Europe and specifically France and other religious dynamics.
I know it sounds strange and I know it is strange but I don't know what else to collect.
Then again I know what to call some things, it's called Chaos theory and Jefferies concept of the new American culture and the state of structure concerning chaos.
Which gets back to the bakery and the girl had so much Inc. and the woman that was writing a book.
You work for the internal revenue service and he was doing something the taxes and she baked whatever. Now she's an actress and I understand all that stuff. Well kind of excavation point!!
anyway the actor playing the revenue agent talks to her about anarchy and if she's going to go to any anarchy meetings. And she, using correct logic, ask him do anarchist really go to anarchy meetings. Mess the way I think therefore I consider to be the correct way to think swear ever wrote the script was thinking correctly.
This brings us to Spain and the caves in Spain and the Spanish Civil War which differ not careful is going to bump up next to World War II which is going to do all kinds of things to the normal... the numeric pattern of my artworks ability to count in the so-called default pathway.
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