Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Left Handed Tap Dance

Fine, I'll let Mr. Handy do it, done.
The left handed cat dance tap dance

Or the dyslexic to step

Not exactly correct but close enough.

Right now are using Microsoft’s a voice recognition that comes incorporated into windows seven or Microsoft office, he can remember which one is working.  Which is a relative thing if you know anything about bill gates.

This gets back to something I don’t want to do.  I’m about to do something that I really don’t want to do!

I’m having to do it because of the so called can’t dance and because of the magic properties of the wheel.

When I’m behind the wheel drive in the machine this spiritual forces of heaven and hell have a strange way of moving in and out and around my vehicle.

I was attempting to document that as I went to get pancakes are up.  That would be pancakes are the it would be the saucepan would put on pancakes.  Only you can remove the pan and just say it’s a sauce.

Let’s call it pancake sauce!  I think I’ve invented entirely new concept.

All right of that talk about subatomic particles and I’ve Gotta talk about England or GB depending upon how you look at a map.

You’re going to have to correct that.

Now I don’t wanna do this, first of all I’m using someone else’s material, to a small degree, and I’m using my own original material.  The problem is, I’m going to give credit to the person’s maternal I’m stealing from.  I’m going to give him and her full credit because they deserve it.  Now do they deserve to be put in the middle of this spiritual warfare.

I would say hell no!  Unfortunately there there and a little demons the Ducat dancing are marching back and forth.  By the way that step dancing or singing in the rain although he wasn’t really tap dancing in that particular film.  I don’t know why voice recognition has such issues.

Okay were also gonna discussed dynamics in the kitchen and other dynamics and you need a giant acclamation, which I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna get to.

This is a rare events.

I’m going to give you, everything I’ve done artistically for the past 48 hours, basically unedited and uncorrected, that’s not entirely true but that keeps things working correctly.

This means willing to take a big breath exhale slowly and faster safety belts.  We’ll start with the beast, that’s a little bit of footage I did concerning stoplights, tying, and the state of affairs in taxes, specifically garland taxes, but it’s the state of affairs on both sides of the river.  And by the way it’s not really taxes but if you look at all the footage no sin taxes do come up in taxes.  Amazing, bill gates doesn’t come around this part of the world often which explains why his voice recognition or even attempt to address the dynamics of Austin Texas.  Bingo, take that bill, I did a little work around, knight you take the capitals out and you’ll be dealing with the state.  Right now without a deal with railroad tracks and changing lights.

By the way this is going to be chock full of all kinds of code.  You think I’m kidding, if you’re into the pornographic acronyms you’ll realize that no watch every single step on make because they know this guy is actually doing a real hidden language.

Right when they think they’ve figured part of the doubt and they have a map, and this with their compass, which gets back to other artwork most of which is very recent, which gets back to static and static play and if you have an old archived you can refer to the static lectures.

OK, I looted to the static lectures, the subatomic particle lectures, I’m about to address the recipe lectures, and there’s some other lectures that is just a few pages back.

It would be handy if you had the old lectures to refer back to.

I’m assuming most of you don’t, which isn’t going to make this the less interesting.  Remember I’m about to reveal to you what it’s like to ride around in a vehicle with me and what’s like when you’re having to jog when you’re having to juggle subatomic spiritual elements in particles.

This gets back to something else I want to say that I’m pretty sure we’ll be around to Seoul say it here.  Now I read books, I enjoy reading books and I consider literature to be true form of the arts, but I think we need to restrict female writers.  What I mean by that is this, I don’t think we shall all females to offer books.  In a way you can imagine them what Canadians because Canadians don’t read books either that’s why no one’s ever met a Canadian librarian, they don’t exist because they don’t have libraries and Canada.

Which really gets back to English authors, we don’t really have a problem with Canadian authors because Canadians don’t really use words correctly and therefore they don’t read books or write books.  Yes they will sing along none again if you’re hanging around my back stairs.  But then again you’ve got heavy feet.

All trust me it codes just fine!

So basically I don’t explain to the world how things work specifically I’ve got to address issues in France and talk to the world about how things work in large.  Which means I have to go to a library.  Unfortunately I really do have to go to library and I really do have to retrieve some critical material.  And of course if you only thing about Bennett tap dancing you realize that I’m going to have to tap dance your way using the dyslexic two step.

God willing I am going to literally show you every bit of art work I’ve done for the past 48 hours which means you’re going to have to bone up on spiritual physics and the dynamics of matter and spiritual world.  Which means basically if your names Steve or Stephen you can just rolled yourself right down the avenue because your logic doesn’t work and spiritual world!  Trust me!


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