Yes you got a call this somewhat of an echo, but if you're thinking on your feet you'll see it as a cycle, much like the movement of the moon. You need a handheld for me to walk you through this, if things work out all give you one but right now something else is moving. The magic and spiritual world are forever working, they don't stop or should I say it doesn't stop, I just quit talking about it. There should be something unique here, this is definitely not an episode of Dragnet. I still remember the basic rules so I'm sure everyone's going to understand it and enjoy it just fine!

Scripting for Sunday July 15, 2007 performance.
Terminal D SCC
Q: “ so why can’t you work with terminal A management and
Carolyn Cook?”
DIS: “ if I answer honestly and truthfully will you hold it
against me or discipline me?”
Q: “ no”
DIS: “ I cannot work with terminal A management and Carolyn
Cook because they are a bunch dishonorable low life motherfucking pieces of
© 2007 Daedelean IS
The dates real, I don't feel the need to prove this is already been released, according to my notes but I'm not sure I would release the entire thing without some degree of censorship. I'm glad I haven't changed that much which means I've covered my bases twice now.

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